Curious Mapping: Material Flows
Where do our landscape materials come from? A call to action to find out!
To answer this question, and to find out how materials magically arrive on site, we took to mapping the materials of our first built project, Dolly’s Park, back to their source. This prompted a deep dive into the provenance of the park materials, which we documented in this “sourcemap” . The sourcemap traces the journey of each material, and the people and places who were instrumental in making them a vital part of the park.
Soil Biodiversity
Without soil, no life on land could exist. Even with this profound scientific truth, it is difficult for us to see the ground beneath our feet as the source of our life, however even the word “human” relates to “humus”. Climate change is demanding we address our soil blindness now. A deeper dive into the soil beneath the surface invites us into this enormously biodiverse and complex ecosystem, where we can learn how to protect and regenerate soils, essential to planetary life and climate regulation.
Connecting People and Water
It is heartening to see so many waterfront communities transitioning their waterfronts from industrial to recreational/ecological, and Assemblage is ready to be a part of this exciting process. We collaborate with teams to develop a deep understanding of each site’s unique social context and riparian ecology during the design process. We also collaborate with brownfield specialists to help restore ecological balance and bring life back to degraded land. We hope to see more opportunities in the future and welcome the chance to collaborate with new teams and municipalities!
Landscape Establishment: Beyond Installation
As landscape architects, we are by profession, innovators and problem solvers. We work within complex urban environments with planting typologies that are continuously evolving to meet resiliency standards. Plant maintenance practices after installation must co-evolve with these standards, and extending the role of the landscape architect offers exciting potential for better ecological and financial outcomes.
Ecological Landscapes: Manage Maintain Monitor!
As design-forward landscape architects, many of us have spent countless hours designing ecologically inspired planting plans, only to see them wither and decline from lack of attention after they are installed. At Assemblage we are questioning the status quo of landscape maintenance by rethinking how we can better plan during design for the challenges of first-year plant establishment. We are exploring ways to remain involved in the care of our newly installed planting projects by managing, maintaining, and monitoring them (the 3 M’s). This will allow us to gain familiarity with all the dynamic variables so we can resolve establishment challenges and better forecast those challenges in the future.
Plant Matters
Designing with plants beyond the superficial is something we constantly explore at Assemblage. Plants are unique from all other materials in the design palette because they are alive. How can we as landscape architects capture the dynamic qualities of plants more insightfully, and how do we better educate ourselves to design successfully with and for plants in urban spaces?
A Natural Systems Approach To Climate Change
Climate change is a global phenomenon impacting all landscapes. As designers working within the intersection of water bodies and public space, how we choose to address the effects of climate related conditions is criticall. Climate impacts are a combination of sudden, extreme, and chronic issues. Think storm surges and heavy flooding in combination with steady sea level rise and consistently higher temperatures. These conditions currently threaten valued public spaces within our urban communities. In New York City alone, parks make up almost 30 percent of the coastline.
Call For Action - Making A More Equitable Urban Forest
New Yorkers have the good fortune of living amongst a powerful network of 7 million trees. This wide-spread tree population lines streets and roadways and is found clustered within parks and greenways. Using the New York Parks interactive forest maps a close-in view of where exactly trees can be found. What we find is that the City’s trees appear unequally distributed across City neighborhoods. From this spatial vantage point we can speculate that as tree density changes, so do the benefits associated with trees.
Re-thinking “Throw Away”
On-site re-use of materials in landscape design emerges as a solution under a myriad of typical design-related challenges and conditions. Increasingly, the disposal and removal of construction debris is viewed as a critical financial and ethical issue. Deemed as “waste” implies no value or use as a site undergoes transformation with new design. The question arises: what is to be done with discarded materials left on site? And furthermore, what is behind our answer to this question?
The Reach of a Single Tree
We invite you to consider the visible and the invisible reach of a single tree over a year. The figures associated with the tree quantify the processes quietly at work by the network of roots and branches, processes through which the tree engages in its surroundings, absorbing, transforming, and producing.